Integrated treatment for concurrent eating disorders and substance use

Eating disorders and substance use disorders have the highest death rates of any mental illnesses. Often, these disorders occur together, producing worse symptoms and outcomes.

This program of research includes three studies that will lay the foundation upon which to develop an integrated treatment program for comorbid eating disorders and substance use disorders. First, we are summarizing current best practices and treatment research. Second, we will conduct an interview-based study to understand the lived experiences and treatment needs of individuals with comorbid eating disorders and substance use disorders. Third, we will conduct focus groups with health care providers who work with this population, to understand their views on which treatment elements will be most effective and identify barriers to implementation.

We hope this set of studies will help design and implement integrated treatment approaches that meet the needs of people with comorbid eating disorders and substance use concerns!


Colby Price (he/him)


Examining the impact of peer mentors on individuals transitioning from youth to adult treatment