Health service use among clients with eating disorders in New Brunswick
Eating disorders are extremely debilitating, and access to help is crucial for managing them. However, it is unknown how often individuals with eating disorders seek care in New Brunswick or how much it costs them. We hope to gain a better understanding of this by examining datahoused by NBIRDT, the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data, and Training. Specifically, are using routinely-collected administrative health data to gauge how often eating disorders appear in New Brunswick health records, the populations who access care for eating disorders, and the costs of seeking care. We hope that this insight will help inform efforts to build eating disorders treatment capacity in New Brunswick.
Here are some preliminary results, which were presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society (EDRS) conference in Boston, MA in September 2023:
This work was supported by the Department of Health of the Province of New Brunswick under a contract with the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training at the University of New Brunswick. The results and conclusions are those of the authors and no official endorsement by the Government of New Brunswick was intended or should be inferred.
Financial support for this research was provided through a Harrison McCain Foundation Young Scholars Award and a New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Summer Studentship.
Read more about this project here!