RCT comparing a group-based guided self-help approach to pure self-help for the treatment of BED

There are limited treatment options available for binge eating disorder within Canadian healthcare systems. To address this, our research team developed Binge Focused Therapy as an innovative, guided self-help approach to Binge Eating Disorder treatment. Binge Focused Therapy was derived from elements of "The Brain Over Binge Recovery Guide" by Kathryn Hansen, and can be delivered by care providers who do not specialize in eating disorders (e.g., psychiatric nurses). Unpublished results of a study on Binge-Focused Therapy indicated that participants experienced significant reductions in binge episodes, binge eating severity, general eating disorder symptoms, and experienced improved confidence in changing binge eating behaviours. We are conducting this study to compare Binge Focused Therapy to traditional self-help methods.


Development of body image and eating disorder symptoms: Normative and risky trajectories


Individual versus group-based CBT-T for eating disorders