Individual versus group-based CBT-T for eating disorders

Shorter and less resource-intensive treatments for eating disorders are needed. A recent advance has been the development of ten-session cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT-T). Research suggests that outcomes in CBT-T are comparable to those achieved in standard length (i.e., 20-session) eating disorders treatment. CBT-T can also be offered in a group format, which enables treating more clients at one time (10 patients vs 1). Individual and group-based CBT-T are now offered in the Halifax (NS Health) eating disorders clinic, and we are conducting a study to compare these delivery formats. This research will help us better understand how group versus individual CBT-T perform in their acceptability and effectiveness.


RCT comparing a group-based guided self-help approach to pure self-help for the treatment of BED


Effect of a stimulant medication on loss-of-control eating in youth with ADHD